
Closet Confection: Apple Pickin'


When: Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

Where: Maskers Orchard in Warwick, NY

What: Dress (H&M), jacket ($35 H&M), scarf ($32 Missoni via eBay), sunglasses (Moschino via Loehmann’s) boots (Steve Madden), tights ($10 Oroblu via Century 21)

For me, nothing helps usher in the fall like apple picking.  I’m originally from Michigan where apple picking is a must every fall.  Unfortunately, my husband is from Florida and doesn’t really get the whole fall harvest thing.  Last year, we made the awful mistake of going to Queens County Farm where it was too crowded to really enjoy ourselves.  I guess I should have known better than to trust a farm in New York City.

This year, we decided to hop on the bus and head to a real orchard.  


The scenery alone made the two-hour trip worthwhile, although I quickly realized that sitting on a bale of hey while wearing a sweater dress probably wasn’t the best idea…


…unless having a bunch of it stuck to your backside is your thing.  It turned out not to be such a great look for me.

While the city does offer some great backdrops for outfit posts, sometimes you just can’t beat the awesome setting mother nature provides.  I admit, I sometimes get jealous of other fashion bloggers who take those amazing photos where they’re either frolicking in a forest or lazily watching the sunset over an arid field.

Well here’s my turn…


Overall, we had a really great time eating donuts and sipping hot apple cider.  Now I have a bag of apples in the fridge that are just waiting to be baked into a pie.  Know any good apple recipes you’d like to share?  Drop me a note.

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