
Quick Update

{View from my bedroom window, right before the storm passed through}

Eric and I managed to make it through Hurricane Sandy unscathed, but the downtown office building where I work sustained massive flooding and is closed to its occupants.  I feel super-lucky to have had heat, electricity, and warm water throughout this entire ordeal, and my heart goes out to those who didn’t fare so well.  Speaking of luck, we moved 2 blocks down the street from our old apartment about 3 weeks before the storm hit.  We live right next to the river, and while our new place was just fine, our old building was without electricity (and at times without water) for almost a week. Believe me, we’re still counting our blessings over that move!

I ventured down to the financial district with a few of my co-workers this weekend to gather up a few things from our darkened office, and the scene was pretty surreal.  The usually bustling streets were empty of pedestrians and were instead filled with ConEd employees, sanitation and construction workers, and disaster recovery vehicles.  On our way down, we passed lines several blocks long of people trying to buy gas.  New Yorkers are a resilient bunch, so I’m sure we’ll make it through this stronger than ever.  In the mean time, there’s a lot of work to be done.

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  • Sharde D November 5, 2012 at 8:31 am

    New York will get back on it’s feet!

  • Caramelnaps25 December 10, 2012 at 12:33 am

    Wow! So glad things were calm on your end! I hope things are getting back to normal there!