
Closet Confection: Mon Chapeau

Closet confection outfit of the day: tiptop
Closet confection outfit of the day: tiptop
Closet confection outfit of the day: tiptop
Closet confection outfit of the day: tiptop

When: Saturday, July 27th, 2010

Where: Central Park + window shopping on 5th Avenue

What: Hat (Esprit), dress (Forever 21), shoes (Kenneth Cole), handbag ($10 H&M)

I’ve had this hat for a couple of years now but hadn’t worn it recently until I saw Bill Cunningham’s recent On the Street video (btw, if you’ve never seen his videos for the New York Times, you should totally check them out).

The hat was a last minute addition after I had already styled my hair in a sideswept bun, so that’s why it’s perched atop my head like that.  I was way too lazy to redo the bun, and I thought it looked kind of cool this way.

In other breaking news, the strap broke on my favorite pair of sandals as I was leaving Central Park.  Af first I panicked because we were pretty deep in the park, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it out with just one shoe.  Furthermore, it was 8pm on a Saturday, and most of the shops on 5th Avenue close up early.  And finally, I just couldn’t see myself strolling into Bottega Veneta or Barney’s (wearing one shoe no less!) and paying a couple hundred dollars for a pair of flip-flops.  

Luckily, I found a random piece of string in my purse and was able to jerry-rig a passable solution that at least got me to the nearest GAP where I picked up a pair of bright red Keds.

closet confection outfit of the day: tiptop

Sneakers aren’t my usual style, but I may be a convert. I am definitely going to try and work these puppies into a few more outfits. 

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  • acuteobtuse July 28, 2010 at 12:31 pm

    loving that hat. too bad about your shoes. 🙁