
Closet Confection: All the Pretty Flowers




When: Monday, July 26th, 2010

Where: Work + Dinner at Cowgirl Seahorse

What: Dress (The Limited), shoes ($40 diBa via Filene’s Basement), handbag ($10 H&M)

Nothing cures a case of the Mondays like a fresh bouquet of flowers…
And if that doesn’t work out, you can always try wearing a floral print.

I bought this dress almost 10 years ago, which I think makes it officially vintage now!  I remember feeling so sophisticated every time I wore it, and it was my go-to outfit for dressy summer events in college.  I am by no means as small as I was 10 years ago, but luckily the wrap style is forgiving.  A strategically placed safety pin is all it took to transport me back in time (without flashing anyone).

I am also by no means a hoarder.  In fact, I routinely go through my closet and get rid of pieces that I haven’t worn in ages or that no longer reflect my personal style.  But somehow, this dress always winds up making the cut.  I can’t say that about a lot of my other items.

And what about you guys?  Do you tend to keep items for years or do you prefer to purge and restock each seasonWhat’s a favorite piece in your wardrobe that you’ve been rocking for 5 years or more?

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  • A-Dubs July 30, 2010 at 1:23 pm

    You are adorable – in a totally sophisticated way, of course.

    Also, I can’t get rid of my low-slung Seven knee-length jean shorts. They’re definitely not stylish anymore, but their magical back-view-enhancing properties makes me keep them, and wear them all summer.

  • astrid74 August 1, 2010 at 2:27 am