
Why I am not shopping for all of 2010…

shopping bags


But seriously, I was poking around online this evening when I ran across the following blog post: http://www.stylestring.com/?page_id=2461

My first thought was “Man, I could never do that!”

But as I think more and more about it, I actually really like the idea.  The truth is, I have way more than my share of clothing, shoes and accessories (although I’d have to say that my handbag collection could use some beefing up).  I just don’t know if I could torture myself by not shopping for an entire year.  That would take some serious willpower on my end.  It also doesn’t help that I work smack dab in the middle of Rockefeller Center, just steps away from some of the best shopping in the world…

Ok, so now I’m just making excuses.  But you know what?  I think I’m going to bite the bullet and take my own 30-day mini challenge.  So, starting May 1st, I will be on a shopping hiatus.  That’s right, you heard it here first folks.

Wish me luck!

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