
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Fashion Bloggers…

Went to the ZacPosen for Target launch party in NYC this past Thursday, and it was a total zoo!  As you may recall in my previous post, my plan was to capture the event on video so that I could share it with you all.  Unfortunately, I was running low on brain cells that day and completely forgot to charge up the Flip.  So sorry to disappoint, but that’s definitely a detail I won’t forget in the future.

I’m still slapping my head over that one, but back to the event…

The doors opened at 11pm, and by the time I got in at 11:23 a lot of the items I was on the lookout for had already been snatched up.  The live band was in full swing when I walked in, and drinks were flowing.  There were racks of clothing lined around the perimeter of the room that were restocked periodically as the night wore on.  I felt really sorry for the poor staffers who had the job of restocking merchandise.  There was a small crowd of vultures women located outside of the stock room who would pretty much swarm them every time they came out with armloads of new merchandise.  There were fitting rooms upstairs, but most of the ladies seemed to opt for stripping down to leggings and tanks and trying on their items out in the open.  All in all, it was a fun night, but extremely chaotic.  

I was kinda bummed that I couldn’t get my hands on the pink, tiger-print sailor dress, but I did walk away with these goodies:

Zac Posen for Target
Zac Posen for Target
Zac Posen for Target
Zac Posen for Target

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