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Coach Collectibles Launch

Even though I was dead tired from a long day on the grind, I had a phenomenal time at the Coach Collectibles Launch yesterday evening.  Coach recently picked 4 bloggers (Krystal of What Is Reality Anyway, Emily of Cupcakes & Cashmere, Karla of Karla’s Closet, and Kelly of The Glamourai) to each design a limited edition bag for the collection.

coach collectibles launch
coach collectibles launch

All 4 of these ladies have really great blogs (I really love The Glamourai and Karla’s Closet in particular), so it was cool to actually see them in person.  I also ran into another one of my favorite bloggers, Jessica from WhatIWore.  Trust me, they are all every bit as lovely offline as they are online! 

Unfortunately, my husband photographer had the night off.  So I had to rely on a random stranger (thanks whoever you are) to snap a quick pick of me holding Krystal’s Fringe Shoulder Bag:

coach collectibles launch

Although it was extremely tempting, I did not splurge on a bag last night.  But a part of me thinks that Kelly’s Drawstring Pouch would make a wonderful addition to my collection as I am seriously handbag challenged.  Let’s just hope they don’t run out!