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Eat Your Veggies!

Vegetable Recipes on Pinterest

Hey Peeps!

If you follow my shenanigans on Instagram and Facebook, you know that I’ve been workin’ on my fitness the past couple of months. I never thought I’d look forward to working out at 6am, but I’ve been doing it consistently for 5-6 days a week since the beginning of the year.  Anyway, I recently decided to clean up my eating habits as well (you know, one thing at a time), and I’ve been incorporating way more veggies into my diet.  To keep things interesting, I needed to branch out from my trusted sauteed spinach and roasted asparagus standbys, so I’ve been pinning away vegetable-based recipes like crazy.  Check out my Pinterest board for some of my favorites!


Officially In Love With Pinterest!


“Et tu, Brute?”

Yes, it’s true… I’ve joined the Pinterest bandwagon. It’s a great way for me to keep a visual catalog of outfit inspirations, shopping lists, decorating ideas, and even recipes.

Are any of you guys on Pinterest too? I’m always looking for cool boards to follow, so feel free to drop me a link in the comments.