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My Weekend In Photos

Hey Ya’ll!

I’m still figuring out how to operate my new camera, so I’ve been taking lots and lots of snapshots on the weekends to try and hone my skills…

I’m one of those stubborn types who refuses to read a manual, so this road shall be a loooooong one!

In any case, I’m going to start posting some of my non-outfit related photos here and there so that I can track my progress.  

It’s late, and I’m too lazy to retouch any of these. So here they are in all their “glory”… 


I live in a green building, and anticipation has been building for the past few months as we waited for our new fuel cell to arrive.  They floated it in by barge along the East River.  I almost hate saying this, but it’s kind of an eyesore.  That sucker is HUGE!  Ah well, it’s for a good cause.


I generally avoid this area like the plague, but I wound up in Times Square not once, but TWICE this weekend.  On this occasion, I was just passing through on my way to Port Authority to catch a bus to go apple picking.


A couple of blocks away from the bus station, I passed by one of the most stunning residential buildings (or maybe it’s a hotel) I’ve seen in Manhattan.  It looks amazing, almost like you’re living in the clouds. 

And right underneath it was another amazing sight… SHAKE SHACK!  It was only 11am, but I had to go in a grab a burger.  We almost missed our bus, but it was worth it!


I usually miss out on fall foliage in the city, so the views in Warwick were exceptionally breathtaking.  It’s so nice to get out and enjoy nature every once in a while.


We were a little late in the season for apple picking, but we managed to get our share.  I think this beauty will go great in my homemade apple pie.


This one, on the other hand, didn’t make it that far…

So that was my weekend in photos folks… well, Saturday at least.  Sunday, I just lazed around the house and stepped out for a little bit to return some items to the store.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

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