
Recession Helps Usher in the Rise of Pajama Chic

Just learned something really interesting the other day…

As the global recession continues to rear its ugly head, many Japanese are catching what’s known as Sugomori Syndrome.  Translated at “nesting”, the sugomori lifestyle revolves around staying at home rather than going out and spending money. On a typical Friday night, practitioners forgo a night on the town in favor of ordering in and watching a DVD or reading a book.

The situation presents an interesting fashion challenge… what to wear?

I mean, it doesn’t make sense to get all decked out in street duds for a night a home, right?  Yet, you don’t want to feel (or look) like a total slob by wearing PJs all day.  No need to fret, the answer is Room Wear: ”Featuring the comfort and functionality of underwear as well as the sophisticated design of sportswear, this new fashion hybrid is gaining in popularity, especially among female customers in their 20s and 30s.” [Chopsticks NY]

Below are a few examples of the trend:

Sugomori Lifestyle
Sugomori Lifestyle
Sugomori Lifestyle

I dunno, they look pretty much like pajamas to me, albeit very cute ones.  What do you think?

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