Everyday Outfits My Style

Old Navy Wide-Leg Crop Jumpsuit

Old Navy Wide Leg Crop Jumpsuit, How to wear a Jumpsuit, Linen Jumpsuit, NYC Fashion Blogger{OLD NAVY Wide-Leg Crop Jumpsuit, H&M Straw Hat, J. CREW Neckerchief & Straw Tote, LACOSTE Cardigan, SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Sunglasses, NINE WEST Sandals (similar here and here}

I’ve been on the road these past two weeks, and this crop jumpsuit from Old Navy is hands-down my favorite thing to wear. It’s so easy to toss on, and it’s as comfy as a pair of pajamas. Until now, I’d always been partial to jumpsuits that taper at the ankle, but I have to say that I’m really digging this wide leg silhouette. I think the cropped length is what makes all the difference. In any case, this is one look that I’ll be exploring more as the summer wears on.

Old Navy Wide Leg Crop Jumpsuit, How to wear a Jumpsuit, Linen Jumpsuit, NYC Fashion Blogger
Old Navy Wide Leg Crop Jumpsuit, How to wear a Jumpsuit, Linen Jumpsuit, NYC Fashion Blogger

Old Navy Wide Leg Crop Jumpsuit, How to wear a Jumpsuit, Linen Jumpsuit, NYC Fashion Blogger

Old Navy Wide Leg Crop Jumpsuit, How to wear a Jumpsuit, Linen Jumpsuit, NYC Fashion Blogger



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  • Natmari's Corner July 5, 2017 at 11:34 am

    Cute jumpsuit! By the way since you live in NYC do you have any comfortable, yet stylish shoe ideas (cute flats and heels)?