
Closet Confection: Keeping Things Under Wraps


When: Monday, November 1st, 2010

Where: Work

What: Coat (Miss Sixty via Burlington Coat Factory), dress (Banana Republic, also seen here), boots (Michael Kors via Loehmann’s), necklace (Jess LC)

This was my first time taking outfit photos of myself using a tripod and remote…

Not too shabby, but I think I look a little stiff.  This is partially because it was FREEZING when I took these photos!  But it’s mostly because I was a little self-conscious about the odd looks I was getting from people walking by.

As a fellow nosy New Yorker, I could understand their mild interest.  For the most part I ignored it, but a part of me wanted to turn around and yell:

Fortunately, my parents raised me with a little more class than that.  So I just smiled and pretended they weren’t there.


There are some pretty cool locations to take photos near my job.  And I’m hoping that my boldness will increase over time so that I can take advantage of them without worrying about strange onlookers.


Next stop, Times Square!

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