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Beauty Product Reviews

Sleek, Bouncy Curls + Goody Quikstyle & Tanglefix Review

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Goody, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GoodyGorgeous


Hello, Lovelies!

I generally don’t do much with my tresses, but it seems like I’ve been on a roll lately with the hair product reviews.  Today, I’m featuring two new gadgets that I’m very excited to share with you. I don’t know if you give much thought to your hairbrushes, but trust me, you will after reading this post.

First up is this sort of wacky-looking contraption that I previewed on Instagram over the weekend. It’s the Goody Quikstyle paddle brush, and it features microfiber bristles that claim to help dry your hair 30% faster. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was actually quite shocked at how effective it was.


I have very coily, kinky hair that loves to get tangled, so I always part my hair into 4 sections before washing to make things easier. I used the same shampoo and conditioner that I reviewed in this post, and finger-detangled my hair in the shower while it was still full of conditioner. After rinsing my hair, I went through my hair section-by-section with the Quikstyle brush. I try to minimize the amount of heat I put in my hair, so I was quite pleased that I barely even had to use my blow dryer afterwards.


Next up is Goody’s Tanglefix brush. My hair was pretty much detangled at this point, but I had very specific plans for this styling tool…


I only straighten my hair a few times per year. But whenever I do, I love using the “chase” method.  I usually see it done with a small-toothed comb, but I found the TangleFix to be much more effective. Basically, you place the brush in-front of the flat iron to provide tension that will help stretch your hair while you straighten it. It takes a bit of practice, but it’s smooth sailing once you get the coordination down.  I love straightening my hair this way because it allows me to get my hair pretty smooth with just one pass of the flat iron. Afterwards, I just gave each section a quick twirl at the ends for bouncy curls throughout my mane.


And there you have it folks. My total styling time was about 40 minutes (enough time to catch up on the last episode of How to Get Away With Murder). I’ll maintain this style throughout the week by using my satin covered sponge rollers at night and fluffing it out a bit in the morning.


If you’re interested in trying these products for yourself, Walgreens is offering a fantastic Buy One, Get One promotion valid on all Goody products (including both the Quikstyle and TangleFix brushes). You must use your Walgreens Balance Rewards card to get the promotional BOGO offer, and you can sign up in store if you are not a member already. The offer ends on 11/01/2014 and is available while supplies last.

And because I believe in sharing the wealth, I purchased an extra set of brushes out of my own pocket to give away to one lucky reader.  You can enter for a chance to win by choosing one or both of the options listed below.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Beauty Product Reviews

Quick & Easy Updo w/ Dove Advanced Hair Series

Hair Tutorial

When it comes to hairstyles, I’m generally a creature of habit.  However, I do like to switch things up (at least just a teensy bit) when the seasons change.  My Pinterest feed has been filling up with all sorts of beautiful braided hairstyles as of late, so when the lovely folks at Dove introduced me to the #SilkyHairDare, I was more than happy to test drive a few products while trying out a new french braided hairstyle. dove-advanced-hair-series-1

My hair is naturally very dry and coarse, and even more so around this time of the year when the weather starts to cool and the humidity dies down.  So I was immediately intrigued by the Dove Pure Care Dry Oil system and its claim to deliver 5x silkier strands while nourishing hair and without making it feel greasy or heavy. Sulfates tend to dry out my hair, so I was a little skeptical when I read the shampoo ingredient list and saw sodium laureth sulfate listed. Fortunately, my fears were put at ease , and I was pleasantly surprised  to find that the shampoo was actually very gentle on my hair and got it clean in just one lather without my strands feeling stripped and dry.  I then applied the conditioner and let it sit for about 10 minutes while I completed the rest of my shower rituals. I noticed that my hair had a decent amount of slip as I finger detangled it in the shower. dove-advanced-hair-series-2

After rinsing the conditioner from my hair and wrapping it in a towel for a bit, I applied a liberal amount of the dry oil which contains a blend of African Macadamia oil and Coconut oil.  My hair absorbed the oil pretty quickly and didn’t feel greasy at all. With my hair prepped and ready, it was now time for styling… Dove Advanced Hair

I wanted something quick and easy, so I separated the front section of my hair and put it in three chunky flat twists that I would later take down to create loose waves in my hair.  Normally, I would have applied some sort of setting lotion or styling creme for hold before putting in the twists.  But for the sake of this review, I didn’t apply any additional products. dove-advanced-hair-series-4

The rest of my hair was about 60% dry at this point from being put up in a towel earlier, so I only had to lightly blow dry it for a few minutes. updo

With my hair completely dry and detangled, I did one large french braid going up the back of my hair.  For some reason, it’s much easier for me to braid my hair going up than it is going down. There are tons of YouTube tutorials out there if you haven’t mastered the art of french braiding, but hopefully this quick animation gives you an idea of how easy the process is. I obviously sped this up a bit, but it takes me less than a minute to do. dove-advanced-hair-series-5

I tucked the ends of my braid under and secured them with a bobby pin, and here’s a pic of what it looked like in the end. Not bad for 60 seconds of work and no mirror, right?! dove-advanced-hair-series-6


Here’s the finished look after I took down my twists before leaving the house.  I’ve been wearing this style for the past three days as I write this post, and I haven’t used any additional products other than the dry oil and a light spritz of water each morning to help re-moisturize my hair.  My hair feels soft and cottony, and not at all oily and weighed down.  All in all, I’m pretty pleased with Dove’s Pure Care Dry Oil hair products.  My only word of caution would be to any folks out there who are looking to avoid sulfates, mineral oil, and ‘cones in their hair care products as this line does contain all three.  For everyone else, I’d say give this line a go!

Now through December 31, 2014, Dove is hosting the “Dove Silky Hair Dare” and daring women everywhere to try Dove Pure Care Dry Oil, risk-free.  If you are not completely satisfied with the Dove Advanced Hair Series Pure Care Dry Oil system, Dove will refund your purchase (from 9/21 – 12/31). Visit for details.  If you decide to try Dove Pure Care Dry Oil products for yourself, you can share your silky results using #silkyhairdare. Dove is also giving away $20,000 in prizes. For a chance to win, share your silky results using #silkyhairdaresweeps. See the official rules for more info.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Beauty Product Reviews Travel

Beauty on the Road {Part II}: Obiqo Smoothing Eye Cream & Silky Body Butter Review + GIVEAWAY

Obiqo Eye CreamObiqo Eye Cream Shower GlovesObiqo Silky Body Butter Obiqo Silky Body Butter

It happens every year without fail…

I neglect my skin all winter as I shield myself in a cocoon of thick sweaters and opaque tights. Before I know it, spring suddenly emerges out of nowhere, leaving me on a mad woman’s mission to exfoliate, pamper, and smooth my skin before shedding my protective layers and showing some leg.

This year, I’ve decided to do a little preemptive work with the help of my friends over at Obiqo who were kind enough to send over a couple of skincare products for me to test drive. When it comes to lotions and creams, I have pretty exacting standards, but Obiqo Silky Body Butter more than delivers.  I like to apply it as soon as I get out of the shower to lock in the moisture (after exfoliating with my shower gloves, of course). It glides on nice and smooth, and leaves my skin feeling like satin and not at all sticky or greasy.  You never know when you’re going to encounter hard water in hotel showers, so having a heavy-duty moisturizer like this on hand is a life saver.

Another essential that I’ve added to my beauty routine over the past couple of years is an under-eye cream.  My skin can be very sensitive, and some eye creams are too heavy for me and lead to breakouts. I’ve been using Obiqo Smoothing Eye Cream for close to a month now, and  it’s become a staple in my daily skincare routine.  Sleepless nights in a foreign city can be brutal, so my tired eyes definitely appreciate waking up to the cooling touch of cucumber, camomile and kiwi in the morning.

Obiqo combines nutrient-rich sea kelp from New Zealand with the very finest European marine anti-ageing extracts and French organic sea lavender. Here are two coupon codes you can use if you’d like to try them out for yourself:

Coupon code OBZT2RHI
Buy 2 or more Obiqo skincare items and save an additional 5%.

Coupon code OBIDKUCG
Buy 3 or more Obiqo skincare items and save an additional 10%.

Obiqo has also offered to do a special giveaway for you guys.  One lucky reader will receive a gift package of Obiqo products.  Just login to Rafflecopter below to enter.  The contest closes Tuesday, April 29th @ 12am EST, and a randomly selected winner will be announced later on that week.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full Disclosure: The products reviewed in this post were given to me by Obiqo, but the views and opinions expressed are my own.