
Before You Post Another Picture of Yourself Online…

…you should check out this article on OkTrends: Don’t Be Ugly by Accident!

In an experiment that examined over 550,000 user profile pictures on the online dating site OkCupid, the organizers asked questions like the one below and graphed all of the results to determine what types of photographs make people look most attractive.

Sample survey question from OkCupid.com

Besides all of the obvious tips (e.g., DSLR cameras take more flattering photos than an iPhone), the article revealed some interesting findings, namely:

  1. What camera brands make you look cuter. (Hint: if you really wanna knock ‘em dead, use a Panasonic)
  2. Which smartphone picture takers are the friskiest
  3. Why you should avoid using a flash if you’re aiming for a more youthful appearance
  4. How factors like depth of field and f/stop can make people more likely to wanna get up close and personal with you

Since I’m putting myself out there with this blog (with limited photography skills), I need all the help I can get.  And what about you guys?  What are your best tips for looking phenomenal in photographs?

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