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I Whip My Hair Back & Forth: HANA Professional Flatiron Review

{Tommy Hilfiger Dress, Jessica Simpson Shoes, H&M Hat}

Hey Gang!

Notice anything different?

When the lovely folks over at contacted me about doing a review of one of their flatirons, I jumped at the chance.  I wore my hair chemically straightened for yeeeeaaaars but decided to return to my coily ‘roots’ and grow out my relaxer a little over a year and a half ago.  Once I made the switch, I never looked back, and it’s been almost a year since I’ve used any sort of heat styling tools (including a blow dryer).  While I love my hair’s natural texture, I thought it would be nice to try something different.

Enter my new HANA Professional Flatiron

misikko_2175_172236633For those of you who are interested in the prep work that went into this style, here’s how the whole endeavor went down:

  1. To make sure my hair was squeaky clean and free of all product buildup, I did a clarifying mask using pure bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar.
  2. Next, I deep conditioned my hair for 30 minutes with Miss Jessie’s Super Sweetback Treatment.
  3. After detangling my hair in the shower, rinsing out the conditioner and allowing my hair to air-dry in 4 sections for ~15 minutes, I applied a heat protectant and straightening balm.
  4. I then proceeded to blow-dry my hair on the Medium/Warm Setting while carefully using a comb attachment.
  5. At this point, I toyed with the idea of stopping here and rocking a pretty bossy-looking afro..
  6. After 15 minutes of stylin’ and profilin’ with my ‘fro, I began flatironing my hair in small 1-ince sections starting in the back and working my way forward.  And this is where I started to notice the difference between my new fancy-schmancy ceramic iron and those dinky drug-store irons I previously used…

Having an adjustable temperature dial (as opposed to the rather limiting hi/lo options on my old flatiron) was a welcomed feature.  I started out straightening on 270 degrees or so, and was able to drop down to ~230 while still achieving the effect I wanted.  I also really liked the fact that I didn’t have to pass the tool through my hair multiple times to get my desired straightness.  After passing the flatiron through each section, I did a quick flip of the wrist to achieve the feathered look you see above.    Right off the bat, I noticed that my hair had a sheen and bounce to it.  And overall, I’d have to say I’m pretty pleased with the product. Alas, I did have one major issue…


Dang-nabbit if my hair only stayed straight for about 15 minutes after walking outside.  I was able to keep the look going for a few more days by pin-curling my hair at night, but that was about as far as I could push it.  Despite my battle with the elements, I definitely like this flatiron and will probably use it again this year around the holidays (once the humidity and dew points are at bay).

In addition to the HANA Professional flatiron, also carries fabulous hair  goodies like the Chi Iron, Moroccan Oil, and a whole slew of high-quality blow dryers and curling irons.


Enter to Win a $25 SkincareRX Gift Certificate

SkincareRX Logo

To show my appreciation for all of you lovely readers out there, I’m happy to announce a new giveaway sponsored by the generous folks over at SkincareRX! If you didn’t already know, SkincareRX is an informative, easy-to-navigate site that helps you put together a customized skin care routine based on your unique concerns and skin type.

Clarisonic PLUS SystemSkincareRX carries many skincare products I love, including Clarisonic. Last year my skin suffered from major breakouts, and nothing seemed to help. I tried everything from expensive potions to oil cleansing, and it was really starting to get me down. I’d received a Clarisonic PLUS System that sat in my closet for months unused before I finally decided to give it a shot. I’m so glad I did because it turned out to be the missing piece of the puzzle in my skincare regimen! I have oily skin that gets clogged easily, and the Clarisonic PLUS does a great job of gently cleaning my pores each day.

To kick off their sponsorship, SkincareRX is offering a $25 gift card to one lucky Closet Confections reader! To win, all you’ve gotta do is:

  1. Complete at least one of the following options below
  2. Leave a comment on this post telling me which entries you completed. Be sure to sign in with your email address so that I know how to contact you! You can also drop a link to your Twitter, FaceBook, or Blog if you prefer.

Option 1: Facebook
1. Visit
2. Write on SkinCareRx’s Facebook wall about what you think of SkinCareRx
Bonus: Opt in to SkinCareRx’s Newsletter

Option 2: Twitter
1. Visit
2. Tweet about SkinCareRx on your own Twitter Account
Bonus: Retweet SkinCareRx’s tweet about this giveaway

Option 3: Blog
1. Visit
2. Write something on your blog about what you think of SkinCareRx
Bonus: Write about Clarisonic and link it to SkinCareRx

Giveaway ends on April 30th, 2011 at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen at random. This contest is open internationally.

Good luck!

Beauty Video

Friend Friday: All Natural

I know, I know… it’s Saturday! I was having some technical difficulties on Friday that kept me from posting this video on time.  All I can say is “better late than never!”.   This week’s Modly Chic’s Friend Friday discussion is veering more toward the beauty side of things and talking about the growing trend of going all natural by eliminating shampoos, soaps, deodorant, etc…

In case you missed it, the New York Times recently ran an article entitled The Great Unwashed, that sheds some light on this growing trend. Watch my short, 8-minute video to hear my thoughts on the matter and also get some tips on natural products that I use in my own beauty regimen.